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Important meugang Tradition Welcoming Guests

Jamee rayeuek troeuh ka rap. That is an expression of people of Aceh in welcoming the month of ramadan will be filled with a month-long fasting. It takes place every year. Short sentence that means "important guests arriving soon."

So important, so that people waiting for the special. Two days prior to arrival, all the people there to cut a cow or a buffalo type animal called a "meugang". In every house, on that day there must be dagung cow or buffalo that will be the main meal early in the month of fasting.

Indeed, the tradition of familial meugang be an excellent adhesive. People do not haves in Aceh was not concerned with meuang, they would bring home a pile of meat for his family. Because the rich are usually donated a buffalo or a cow to be slaughtered and distributed to the poor and orphans.

Although not contained in Islamic law, tradition meugang remain a very sacred for the people of Aceh. In this meugang day, all over the province of Aceh on the tip of Sumatra island was occupied by slaughterhouses.

Since early morning, in every corner there is animal slaughter. Office activities, as well as other activities like stopping. Even in government offices and the private sector there is no slaughter of animals.

Soon after dawn prayers, the entire market in Aceh will be bustling with traders beef and buffalo. At sunrise, the market began with the arrival of shortness of residents who want to buy meat.

For those who have excess money, they will buy a lot of meat. Some are cooked and eaten immediately, there is preserved to sie reuboh (meat stew), also made beef jerky. Sie reuboh and hams can be eaten for several days in the month of fasting.

Although this tradition is not regulated in the teachings of Islam, the people of Aceh to run meugang such as implementing an obligation, so that the head of the family was preparing for funding the purchase of meat on that day.

In fact, the nomads will also return home to gather with family on day meugang. If still in overseas, the people of Aceh are also running this tradition. They buy meat at the market specifically to welcome meugang in abroad.

So strong was the tradition meugang in Aceh. In fact, this tradition has lasted meugang lau hundreds of years. No dketahui meugang exactly when this first started happening in Aceh. To be sure this tradition is the embodiment of an expression of Aceh that mention "indigenous Ngon Ngon sipheuet hukom Lagee substances," meaning between the law (Islamic) and customary like substance and character.

This expression not only in terms of this meugang only. In Lamno, Aceh Jaya, located on the west coast of Aceh Jaya, Aceh, runs a unique tradition at this mall, called the "Kauri Beureat" on a night in the month of ramadan. Meunasah conducted in each village.

At this festivity the whole community to come to meunasah bring idang (rice packets along with side dishes that are placed in large trays). This food is eaten along with members of the public who were present, then dlanjutkan with the prayer and religious speech.

People there believe in God that evening will determine the fate of a person. Therefore, through kaurie beurat each individual to pray that God will give you the best for them.

From this was born a variety of folk tales related to the fate of the night beurat. Some believed, the fate of both men were in a tree. So anyone who saw this wooden bow (duck), then his fate will be good. All requests will be fulfilled.

In addition, there also are believed to be bad luck on a leaf in a dense tree. At night there beurat who believed that God would shake the tree leaves falling hinga, and people whose names are listed on the leaves will die.

Lamno is one area that is typical in Aceh. Tungkob which consists of seven broken up into 48 village (the village). In one village, the village Daya many white people with blue eyes. They are descendants of Portuguese who enter the kingdom of Aceh in Aceh in the past.


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