In Hazy Salak Mountain National Park (TNGHS) there is some potential for natural attractions, history and local cultural activities that can be developed into packets of tourism activities, especially ecotourism activities, such as:
Waterfall (Curug)
The beauty of the waterfall is one of the many popular attraction of tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. In general, a waterfall formed because of the occurrence of fracture of the Earth's crust so that cut off water flow to form water according to the principle of stepping flow of water from a height into the lower places. TNGHS has many waterfalls, such as:
* Curug Cimantaja and Curug Cipamulan, Cikiray located in the village, district and regency of Sukabumi Cikidang
* Curug Piit (Curug Cihanjawar), Swallow and Curug
* Curug Cikudapaeh, there are around Nirmala Tea Plantation
* Curug Citangkolo, located in the village Mekarjaya, Kabandungan subdistrict, Sukabumi district
* Curug Ciberang and Curug Cileungsing, situated around the village Leuwijamang
* Curug Ciarnisah, situated around the village of Mist Mountain National Park Cibedug-Salak
* In the Mount Salak, there are several such Curug Curug Cangkuang (Cidahu); Curug Pilung (Girijaya); Curug Cibadak (Our activities); Curug Citiis (Ciapus); Curug Jackfruit (Taman Sari); Curug Ciputri (Tenjolaya); Curug Cihurang, Cirug Cigamea , Curug hide and Curug Thousand (Pamijahan), Curug Cibereum (Jayanegara).
o North Hazy Mountain (1929 m asl.)
o Mount Bottle (1720 m asl.)
o Mount Sanggabuana (1 919 m asl.)
o South Kendeng Mountain (1680 m asl.)
o South Mist Mountain (1758 m asl.)
Puncak Gunung Salak o 1 (2211 m asl.)
Puncak Gunung Salak o 2 (2190 m asl.)
Mountain Peak
TNGHS has several mountain peaks with an altitude between 1700-2211 m above sea level. Officially some climbing to the top of a mountain path in TNGHS not yet opened and laid out specifically. But some mountain peaks and dense forest that has attracted relatively still climb and is visited by various groups of nature lovers, with a qualified climbing: as a climbing permit, study the map of the path climbing, climbing, accompanied by officers / people who already know the climbing lane, preparing themselves physical and adequate food supplies.
Some interesting climb a mountain peak:
In between the peaks are common and interesting climb in the Peak of Mount Salak TNGHS is because most high one.
The ascent route to the summit of Mount Salak already known and pioneered by mountaineers through several routes of entry. This time to climb the peak of Mount Salak 1, must be able to meet the requirements of mountain climbing and manage permission on the climb at the Office BTNGHS Kabandungan, Sukabumi.
The climbing route is relatively safe and commonly used is through the path Javana Spa / Cangkuang, Cidahu-Queen-Crater Peak Simpang Salak
1. Or Sand Reungit, Mount Bunder-Queen-Simpang Crater Crater / Peak Salak 1 - Top Salak 1
Queen Crater
With the inclusion of Mount Salak in TNGHS management, there are interesting natural phenomena in TNGHS is Ratu Crater, located on the slopes of Mount Salak first peak and in the middle of the forest which is still relatively good. To reach this place, it can be through channels or through Sand Reungit Cangkuang, Gunung Bunder. At this location, visitors should be careful, there can be long and too close to the sources of steam, because every moment could happen toxic gases are very dangerous.
Earth Camp
One activity that can be developed in TNGHS are camping in the campground has been available sources of water and bathrooms. Its location is available at Citalahab, Cikelat, Wates, Cangkuang, Sukamantri Mount Bunder.
Temple Cibedug
Cibedug temple is located about 10 km west of the village Citorek that can be achieved by walking about three hours. Small temple site is one of the relics of the kingdom in West Java, a few hundred years ago. These sites are frequently visited by people from outside the area for the pilgrimage.
Stone Mountain and Rock Belang
Within the region there are also TNGHS locations believed to have spiritual powers, so that some visitors come for pilgrimage purposes. As in Stone Mountain consists of a stone wall which is located on hilltops, often used to place penziarahan. This location is situated in the village Mekarjaya can be achieved with approximately two-hour walk from the village Cigadog.
Research Station and Wisma Cikaniki Researcher
The location is contained in the forest near the village Citalahab Cikaniki. Currently in addition to the research station can be used for research activities can also be used to visit ecotourism.
Researchers and visitors can stay at Wisma ecotourism researcher who is located adjacent to the research station. This guesthouse with a capacity of 20 people consisting of a VIP room and four standard rooms that can be filled in each of four people.
Interpretation Line (Loop Trail) and the House Guest Citalahab
Cikaniki path - along the 3.8 km Citalahab created in 1997, this line is equipped with a pal hekto meter (HM), signage and shelters. After HM 15, at this point there are two alternalif namely the direct road to the village where there Citalahab Central and home stay guesthouse run by local communities or that rotates to the tea plantation Nirmala Citalahab block beds around 3.8 km. Along this line can enjoy a variety of interesting flora and fauna which will provide new experiences for visitors to walk in the tropical forest.
Bridge Header (Canopy Trail)
Suspension bridge that connects between the trees along the 100 m, 0.6 m wide with a height of 20-25 m of land equipped with the up stairs. This bridge is located about 200 m from Cikaniki Research Station.
Hot Springs
In TNGHS there are several hot springs that are still natural like in Cisukarame and on Mount groats, or that have been opened as a place of recreation, such as in Gunung Salak Endah Cisolok and Cipanas.
Plantations around TNGHS including an attractive natural scenery and many found their way to the region TNGHS. Generally, in the district of Sukabumi and Bogor, there are several tea plantations of tea plantations Jayanegara, Cianten, Pasir Madang and Parakansalak. Even long before TNGHS determined, in the middle of the park there are also tea plantations enclave Nirmala which covers approximately 997 ha.
In addition to the tea plantations around TNGHS currently there are also palm oil plantations, as in Palm Nunggal, Cikidang, Cisolok and also along the road from Cigudeg in Bogor regency to the town Rangkasbitung, Lebak regency.
Rafting, and South Coast
Travel from Sukabumi or Cibadak toward Pelabuhanratu and continue to Bayah apart along the southeast or south TNGHS will also cross the path of white water rafting (river and river Citarik Citatih) as well as the beautiful south coast beaches such as Coral Hawu, Coral Taraje and Sawarna.
Seren Taun
Banten Kidul Kasepuhan indigenous peoples who live around TNGHS until now still has a distinctive cultural characteristics. Where every year after harvest, they held customary activities called seren epidemic as expressions of gratitude for its success in agriculture, especially rice which is the staple food community.
Seren activities in addition to residents Kasepuhan epidemic can also be witnessed by the general public, including cultural tours to visit as many interesting activities that can be viewed. Schedule between the months of June to December every year, depending on the calculation of time each group Kasepuhan. Some seren epidemic interesting to visit and views is epidemic in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar seren, Sirnaresmi, Ciptamulya, Cicarucub, Research Centre, Cisungsang, Citorek, and Backfill.
SACRED graves and sites of the past
In addition to the site and the Rock Temple in Cibedug TNGHS there are also several sacred tombs and other sites that have not been revealed, even some form of "stone staircase"-like relics of the past period. Although there are in a location that is quite difficult, often people come on pilgrimage to the graves as sacred peak of Mount Salak 1 and the slope of the top South Hazy.
Some other sites such as site location in the village Genterbumi Pangguyangan, Ciawitali sites, and sites in Gunung Bodas Cikakak Ciarca in districts, sites in the district Cidahu Girijaya, Sukabumi, Cibalay sites in the district Tenjolaya, Stone fan site, in the district Lewijamang Sukajaya, Bogor and Mountain site Cibeber rifle in the district, Lebak.
Hazy Mountain National Park-Salak
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